

First with the good news. When i weighed myself on Wednesday i had lost another 1 and a half pounds. That is a grand total of 3 and a half pounds in 2 weeks. That is not bad. You are not supposed to lose more than about 2 pounds a week anyway because your body will go into starvation mode, which i am guessing is that your body would just store everything as fat to give your body long lasting energy. At the moment i am into our second day of our 5 day challenge me and Adam set ourselves. Basically everyday for 5 days we are doing a walk. not just a normal walk but a intense walk.Today we walked around Entwistle reservoir (the picture above is Entwistle reservoir). It is about 3.6 km and we do it in under 40 minutes every time now.  What i have also done is buy a backpack. I have put around 13 pounds into it. So when i wear that on our walks it will burn more calories and make me become stronger and fitter. At the moment i am still loving doing my exercise with Adam, so that is why i should do it, because i never know if i will become tired of doing it. Not physically tired but Mentally tired. It does take it out of me after a bit sometimes.

Yesterday when i got to college i walked in and the receptionist told me that Simon wanted me to get the football and go outside because he was busy and he would come out in a few minutes. So i did. I played football with my taxi driver Javid for 10 minutes and still Simon didnt come out. So i went in to find him. I eventually did and when i did he said he was still busy. By the way this isnt Simon’s fault. It is the management of the place that is the problem. He is supposed to be with me in a 1 to 1 session (no other people) and yet he still had to help out in another group. So i was angry at that because if i am supposed to work with Someone and i get there and its someone else, i dont like it. I dont like change. And when i did go in to do work there wasnt anything to do. They give me some work and expect me to do it for weeks and weeks. Even though i could have completed it in a day they still want me to do the same. So that day i went home earlier because i was annoyed at the college. I have calmed down about it now.

It is my Mums operation next Monday so please hope that she will be fine. We need Mum. If she wasnt here our family would have collapsed a long time ago (probably). Please share this post if you liked it.


Thanks for Reading.

4 responses »

  1. Hi Paul,

    Did I reply to you and asked how mum is doing? She will do well…I believe I did say, many times we
    worry and 99% of the time everything goes well 🙂

    I can share with the you the anger at college, I feel you may not be challenged and mum on your mind

    Stay well, say hi to your brother,


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