Category Archives: exercise




                                        WOOOO HOOOO

Just after i wrote my last post i went on my treadmill. Me and my brother Tom was doing a challenge. We basically had to try and do 4 miles between us. Tom did 1 mile because Tim told him to come off and so i had to try and do 3. I think it was in my mind to conquer 3 mile because my body didnt feel as tired and i could carry on for longer. Your mind can be so powerfull sometimes. Its unbelievable. Anyway i got to 3 and felt fine. Bare in mind my past record was 2 miles. I carried on and thought i would go for Adams record which is 4 miles. I was a little tired but cracked on with it. I then went for my taxi drivers record which is 4.2 miles. me and Javid (taxi driver) are always talking about fitness because we both love it so much. Also he goes to the gym on the running machine 5 times a week if he can. So i was super pleased to break his record. Then i thought why stop there, lets go for the 5. i did it in around 57 minutes. I was getting very tired around the 4.7 mark. But for once my mind helped me achieve something i thought was impossible for me. Thanks for reading.

P.s tommorow i will post a good picture i took on my new phone.



treadmill whole treadmill screen

As i said in my last post, i have recently acquired a treadmill. I saved up for a long time to get one. The model i have got is a Reebok zr10 (above). This machine retails at around £1,200 but i got it second hand at £450. And when i say second hand it pretty much isn’t, its like brand new. When me and Tim went round to check it out, the man said he and his wife had been on it maximum 15 times. Anyway before i have been going to college i have been going on the treadmill. I go on it for around 45 minutes all in all. This consist of me running 1 mile and then doing a program. There are around 24 programs all in all on my treadmill. A program is a preset work out. You can change the duration though before hand. As your doing a program the treadmill will automatically speed up or speed down, it also can put the gradient up to 15 degrees. That’s like going up a pretty steep hill. It is absolutely brilliant. And whilst your doing all of this the screen shows whats coming up next and you calories burnt, distance and speed. It also has an mp3 input, so i connect my ps vita and listen to whatever music takes my fancy, and its blasted through 2 speakers, which are actually pretty good. The max speed it can go is 11.2 miles per hour, though i haven’t attempted this speed yet. I have ran at 10 miles per hour but only for maybe 20 seconds. I actually want in future to be able to run a 5k race, so i am sort of training for it, even if it takes me 5 years. As i said before i run 1 mile at the moment. I have recently upped my speed from 5 mph to 6mph, so i am pleased with this. It takes exactly 10 minutes running at 6mph to run a mile. My record mile is 9.15 seconds. I did this the other day. After i had warmed up for a few minutes i started running at 8 mph. I ran this for 2 or 3 minutes when my chest really started to hurt. I know when im pushing myself but this was obviously too much for my body. So i slowed it down to walking for a few minutes and then ran at my usual 6 mph. I think when i go on my treadmill tomorrow i will up the distance. I will try to do 1.25 miles instead of my usual 1 mile. And then when i get good at doing that i will up the gradient slightly over time till its about 3 degrees. I think running at 2 degrees on a treadmill is about running normally outdoors. So that’s about it about my treadmill. I am really pleased with myself and with the machine.

I have a challenge for you all. Try to do a bit of exercise each day this week. It can be whatever you want, walking, cycling even dancing in front of the telly to music videos. Trust me exercise its a great thing. For me it keeps my mind less crowded (if i dont do any exercise i start to go downhill, like being depressed and i also have a self destroying mind which can only be dampened by exercise). I feel more confidant and of course your increasing the length of time you get on this earth. Once you get the fitness bug you will not go back. By the way my weight is now around 12 st 9 which is about 180 pounds.Thanks for reading




Ever since i started doing exercise to lose weight i have kept a couple of small pieces of paper in my room to record my weight. I weigh myself at around 10 o clock in the morning every Wednesday. You are supposed to weigh yourself at the same time and every week to keep a good idea of where you are in your weight loss. So here is my record of my weight:

JAN 15th 2014  14st, 4 and a half pounds

JAN 23rd 2014   14st, 2 and a half pounds   =  lost 2 pounds

JAN 29th 2014   14st, 1 pound   =  lost 1 and a half pounds

FEB 5th 2014     13,13 and a half  = lost 1 and a half pounds

FEB 12th 2014    13,12 and a half  = lost 1 pound

FEB 19th 2014   13,11 and a half = lost 1 pound

FEB 26th 2014    13,9 and three quarters = lost 1 and 3 quarters

MARCH 5th 2014  13, 9 and a half  = lost a quarter of a pound

MARCH 12th 2014 13, 8   = lost 1 and a half pounds

MARCH 19th 2014  13,9 and 3 quarters = put on 1 and 3 quarters

MARCH 26th 2014 13,6 and a half = lost 3 and a quarter pounds

APRIL 2nd 2014   13, 6 and a quarter = lost a quarter of a pound

APRIL 9th 2014  13,5 and three quarters = lost half a pound

APRlL 16th  2014 13, 3 and 3 quarters = lost 2 pounds.

So what do you reckon?  I have lost nearly 15 pounds in 14 weeks. My target was to get under 14 stone by the end of the year and i have easily smashed that. My new target is to try and get under the 13 stone mark. By the way a stone is 14 pounds. Its getting really hard to lose weight though now. I will probably tell you what i have been doing to lose weight in my next post. Thanks for reading.